Standings team race
Flavio Leccese
We want to create a chart for each team showing the progression of standings and final competition score.
Data can be obtained through getCompetitionStandings
Resulted plot can be found at the bottom of this page.
# Add Lato font (Euroleague official font)
font_add_google("Lato", "Lato")
font_add_google("Inconsolata", "Inconsolata")
# Add Font Awesome for logos
font_add(family = "Font Awesome 6 Brands",
regular = "figures/fa-brands-400.ttf")
showtext_opts(dpi = 200)
CompetitionRounds <- getCompetitionRounds("E2024") %>%
filter(Sys.Date() >= MaxGameStartDate)
CompetitionStandings <- getCompetitionStandings("E2024", CompetitionRounds$Round)
MaxRound <- max(CompetitionStandings$Round)
MaxGameDate <- CompetitionRounds %>% filter(Round == MaxRound) %>% pull(MaxGameStartDate) %>%
format(., '%d %b %Y')
NRounds <- 10
MinRound <- MaxRound - NRounds
Teams <- getTeam("E2024", unique(CompetitionStandings$TeamCode))
Data for plot
CompetitionStandings <-
CompetitionStandings %>%
left_join(Teams %>% select(TeamCode, PrimaryColor, SecondaryColor),
by = "TeamCode") %>%
left_join(CompetitionStandings %>% filter(Round == MaxRound) %>%
arrange(desc(Position)) %>%
gp = ifelse(max(GamesPlayed) != min(GamesPlayed), glue(" {GamesPlayed} gp"), ""),
y = factor(glue("**#{Position}** ({GamesWon*2} pts{gp}) - {TeamName}"),
levels = glue("**#{Position}** ({GamesWon*2} pts{gp}) - {TeamName}"))) %>%
select(y, Position),
by = "Position") %>%
filter(Round %in% (MaxRound - NRounds):MaxRound) %>%
mutate(x = Round)
LastRound <- CompetitionStandings %>% filter(Round == MaxRound)
PreviousRounds <- CompetitionStandings %>% filter(Round < MaxRound)
Title, subtitle and caption
PlotTitle <- glue(
"<span style = 'font-size: 32px'>Team standings by round</span><br>
<span style = 'font-size: 20px'>All teams | From round {MaxRound - NRounds} to round {MaxRound} | {MaxGameDate}</span>")
PlotSubtitle <- glue(
"<span><img src = 'figures/euroleague-logo-vertical.png'
PlotCaption <- glue(
"<span>Visualization with </span>
<span style = 'font-family:\"Inconsolata\";'>R</span>
<span style = 'font-family:\"Inconsolata\";'>ggplot2</span>
<span>by Flavio Leccese |</span>
<span style = 'font-family:\"Font Awesome 6 Brands\";'></span>
<span style = 'font-family:\"Font Awesome 6 Brands\";'></span>
# Initialize
e <- CompetitionStandings %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y))
# Add vertical lines
e <- e +
geom_vline(data = PreviousRounds, aes(xintercept = x), colour = "#f2f2f2")
# Add standing lines by team
e <- e +
geom_line(stat = "smooth", method = "loess", formula = 'y ~ x',
aes(colour = SecondaryColor, group = TeamName),
alpha = 0.50, linewidth = 1.25, se = FALSE, span = 0.25) +
geom_line(stat = "smooth", method = "loess", formula = 'y ~ x',
aes(colour = PrimaryColor, group = TeamName),
alpha = 0.50, linewidth = 1.25, se = FALSE, span = 0.25)
# Add points by round and team
e <- e +
geom_point(data = PreviousRounds, aes(colour = SecondaryColor), alpha = 0.50, size = 3) +
geom_point(data = PreviousRounds, aes(colour = PrimaryColor), alpha = 0.50, size = 3) +
geom_point(data = PreviousRounds, colour = "#f2f2f2", size = 1) +
geom_point(data = LastRound, aes(colour = SecondaryColor), alpha = 0.50, size = 12) +
geom_point(data = LastRound, aes(colour = PrimaryColor), alpha = 0.50, size = 12) +
geom_point(data = LastRound, colour = "#f2f2f2", size = 10)
# Add lines of Play-In and Playoffs
e <- e +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = -Inf, xmax = MinRound - 0.25,
ymin = -Inf, ymax = +Inf),
fill = "#f2f2f2", color = NA) +
geom_hline(data = PlayInsOff, aes(yintercept = as.numeric(y) - 0.5), colour = "#F47321",
linetype = "dashed") +
geom_text(data = PlayInsOff, angle = 90, hjust = 0, colour = "#F47321",
aes(label = Label, y = as.numeric(y) - 0.25, x = MinRound - 0.5))
# Add images + general theme setting
e <- e +
geom_image(data = TeamImage, aes(y = y, image = TeamImagesCrest), size = 0.03,
image_fun = function(img) { magick::image_crop(img) }) +
scale_colour_identity() +
scale_y_discrete(position = "right") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = MinRound:MaxRound, labels = MinRound:MaxRound,
min = MinRound, expand = c(0.01, 0.1)) +
# General
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#e2e7ea"),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#f2f2f2", colour = "transparent"),
plot.margin = margin(28, 15, 28, 17),
text = element_text(color = "#404040", family = "Lato"),
# Axis labels
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 20, vjust = -2.5),
axis.text.y.right = element_markdown(size = 14),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 14, vjust = 0.5),
# Legend
legend.background = element_blank(),
legend.box.background = element_blank(),
legend.key = element_blank(),
legend.position = 'bottom',
legend.justification = 'left',
legend.direction = 'horizontal',
legend.margin = margin(10, 0, 15, 0),
legend.box.spacing = unit(0, "pt"),
# Title, subtitle, caption
plot.title = element_markdown(
lineheight = 1, size = 24, hjust = 0, vjust = 1, margin = margin(0, 0, -20, 0)),
plot.title.position = "plot",
plot.subtitle = element_markdown(
hjust = 1, margin = margin(-33, 3, -50, 0)),
plot.caption = element_markdown(
size = 12, margin = margin(30, 0, 0, 3)),
plot.caption.position = "plot",
# Facet
strip.background = element_rect(fill = "#F47321"),
strip.text = element_text(colour = "black", hjust = 0)
) +
labs(title = PlotTitle, subtitle = PlotSubtitle, caption = PlotCaption,
x = "Round", y = "")