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  statistic_mode = c("perGame", "perMinute", "accumulated")



One or more season codes as obtained from getCompetitionHistory().
Examples are E2023 for Euroleague or U2023 for Eurocup 2023.


One or more aggregation modes of statistics.
Admitted values are perGame, perMinute and accumulated.


Returns a summary tibble of advanced players statistics for chosen seasons.

Glossary of columns:

Column nameColumn extended nameColumn description
eFG%Effective field goal %Combined two- and three-point shooting effectiveness
TS%True shooting %Percentage of points vs. points attempted
OREB%Offensive rebound %Estimated % of available offensive rebounds obtained while on court
DREB%Defensive rebound %Estimated % of available defensive rebounds obtained while on court
REB%Rebound %Estimated % of available rebounds obtained while on court
AST/TOAssist to turnover ratioRatio of assists made to turnovers committed
AST-RAssist ratioEstimated % of assists per player's offensive possessions
TO-RTurnover ratioEstimated % of turnovers per player's offensive possessions
2PTA-RTwo-point attempts ratioEstimated % of two-point attempts per player's offensive possessions
3PTA-RThree-point attempts ratioEstimated % of three-point attempts per player's offensive possessions
FT-RTFree Throw rateMeasure of free throw attempts vs. field goal attempts

Reference webpage: Stats


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

getPlayerAdvanced(season_code = "E2023", statistic_mode = "perGame")

} # }